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To attract them, try putting out their favorite foods, which include millet, shelled sunflower seeds, Nyjer seeds, cracked corn, and safflower. Mourning Doves need a flat place to feed, so the best feeders for them are trays or platforms. They are probably most comfortable feeding on the ground, so make sure to throw a bunch of food there too.
.. This filter bubbles, said Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen, referring to ads that hop in and out of messages based on a user's past interactions with ads. She said the GOP is using Facebook to collect data about who her clients are, where they live, and even what they like information that can be used against her and others.
Texas lawmakers approved a bill last week that would prohibit abortion providers from using samples of fetal tissue for research, including genetic evaluations. The bill, commonly known as the Texas Heart Baby Bill, is scheduled for a final vote in the Senate on Tuesday. A similar law in North Dakota passed its first hurdle in March, but later died in the capitol in spectacular fashion. d2c66b5586