Uncle Adolf
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His sons Louis (61) and Brian (47) run a local landscaping business, while the oldest brother Alex (63) is a former social worker. Hitler's last surviving relatives quietly decline interviews about their notorious grand-uncle.
In the 1930s William Patrick Hitler lived in Germany. Paddy Hitler showed himself to be an opportunist. He travelled over to Germany to exploit his connections after Hitler became Chancellor. The pair had a stormy relationship, but uncle Adolf found Paddy work in a bank. He later became a car salesman for Opel. He began to copy his uncle's mannerisms, including the Fuhrer's pose with crossed arms. He even grew a similar moustache.
However, by 1939 he and his mother had moved to the United States where he became a critic of his uncle. Paddy turned his colourful background into a sort of travelling freak show. He gave lectures, warning America that his uncle was a madman surrounded by \"sexual perverts''.
Bridget Dowling Hitler died in 1969 at the age of 78. Her son Patrick is buried beside her, having died suddenly in 1987. Their grave on Long Island offers no clues to their background. His sons Louis and Brian run a local landscaping business, while the oldest brother Alex is a former social worker. Hitler's last surviving relatives quietly decline interviews about their notorious grand-uncle.
William Patrick Hitler was born in Liverpool in the UK in 1911. His father was Adolf Hitler's brother Alois Hitler. William moved to Germany in 1933 in an attempt to benefit from his uncle's position of power. It appears William, who was familiar with Adolf's family background, was an embarrassing thorn in Adolf's side during the 1930s. Moving to the United States in 1939, William served in the US Navy in World War II. After the war, William Hitler changed his last name to Stuart-Houston.
Peter Hitler was Peter Griffin's great uncle and brother of Adolf Hitler, appearing in \"Untitled Griffin Family History\". He was always annoying to Adolf and interrupted him during his \"Nazi stuff\". He helped Adolf get great feedback from a rally, but this was also to Adolf's annoyance. 59ce067264