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Nott would later express remorse for the murders she committed along with the bandits she had been in the company of. She had murdered Yeza and her family, there were four human bodies that were killed by goblin crossbow bolt (3x49). Nott began to feel guilt because she felt for the Natsenyne family, even though she had been ordered to do things, she felt they had let her down. She was on a pilgrimage to the Temple of Sigmar, she had been going for about three days when she encountered the triumphant heroes of the All for a single hope. Along the way, she met Caleb and they bonded. However, after Father believed her, she felt guilty for lying to him, which led her to be disappointed in Caleb for believing her, even though he had done so only because he thought the evil goblin was actually a good goblin.
Nott was a very peaceloving individual, she would want to protect people. When Nott had to protect her friends from raiders, she was angrier than when she was with the bandits (3x49). Nott felt that her only hope of convincing Caleb of her worth as a goblin was to prove to him that she was no longer a goblin. Thus she began the process of "becoming human" (5x29) by systematically consuming appropriate amounts of human blood. This was mainly because she was not sure she would be able to handle the loss of blood. She forgot most of this as she became more human, but she remembered wishing she could drink Caleb's blood at one point. Eventually, Nott had consumed all of Caleb's blood and she became sort of a vampire-like creature, because it was not something she enjoyed, even after she no longer wanted to drink human blood.
In "Dibella's Justice" (2x52), Nott was involved with a character named Redcloak. The two kidnapped Gavril and took the Crimson Blade of Alarain. The Muraen, Oni, and Redcloak named themselves "The Outcasts," which was later adopted by Exalted, and subsequently by the entire group. d2c66b5586