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I decided to enter in contact with a friend of my friend who works for a french company for defense. The friend is exactly the person who provide this information on le mail. The first thing he proposed to me is to contact directly the french administration for nature. So I've done, and I'm waiting for my answer concerning the military…
The workflow is very simple, for any interested scientist, is possible to contact the french wildlife bureau to find out if and when the military might authorize access to this daily visited island. Finally, every scientific activity on this island is coordinated by the french meteorological agency (Agence météorologique)
These islands are very well mapped by geoscientist for local hydrographical. So they also are well known and well known by both radio and lighting contest. I'm sure, it is normal. Once again, they are very much "used" by the french meteorological agency. For the defence of the people on the island, and in order to protect the environment, the french government has installed on the island a guard post divided in two sectors. Each sector has a platoon of soldiers. On the south entrance of the island, another guard post is installed. The soldiers must control all entrances at the island.
A very good example, how things can happen matters of political decision but also a due diligence. It is not normal, to have in charge of these two islands, an Institut Français de Physique du Globe de la Terre . This institute is administrated by the french meteorological agency and it is dedicated to measure the atmosphere temperature every day. The state provide to the institute all the data available for interpretation. So here, probably, is a political decision, another study to improve weather observatory? A good way to insure confidence and security on the island.
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