Shyne-Shyne Full Album Zip
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Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of SLANG POETRY, Butterfly Needlez (Est. 2011) Free EP, Bladesylvania: Book 2, Shyne Mosley III, BLADESYLVANIA [shafara(tyl)fania], ARROW BOWIE, Shyne Mosley II, Maffmajishun, and 2 more., and,. Purchasable with gift card Buy Digital Discography $175.71 USD or more Send as Gift Share / Embed 1. Le Dieu Des Flechettes II (Intro) 2. Jive Consenters 03:10 3. The Payback 4. Leon Sylvers 5. Redd Hot (feat. Clever 1 of Da Buze Bruvaz) 6. 7000 MG (feat. Supreme Cerebral) 7. Sir Menelik 8. Slang Scientist 9. Formally Known 10. Pop Top 11. Mercy, Mercy, Me 12. Outro credits releases February 17, 2023 SLANG POETRY I RALPHIIE REESE01. - LE DIEU DES FLECHETTES II02. - JIVE CONSENTERS03. - THE PAYBACK04. - LEON SYLVERS05. - REDD HOT (feat. Clever 1 of Da Buze Bruvaz)06. - 7000 MG (feat. Supreme Cerebral)07. - SIR MENELIK08. - SLANG SCIENIDE09. - FORMALLY KNOWN10. - POP TOP11. - MERCY. MERCY ME12. - OUTROWRITTEN BY RALPHIIE REESE. 827ec27edc