Program At90s2313 With Arduino Software REPACK
Well, it looks like AT90S2313 is essentially identical to ATtiny2313, so you might get away with just using the existing ATtiny2313 settings. (Check the fuses, though. Or program them from outside the IDE.) If you must, you can modify the \"chip\" sub-menu of the attinyx313 entry in the ATtinyCore boards.txt:
PS: WhyIf you've got significant stock of AT90S series parts, you can probably find some commercial manufacturer who \"needs\" them and will pay more for them than it would cost you to buy a new and better parts. (Hmm. Not counting global chip shortages ) A chip with only 2k of program memory and essentially no peripherals is barely worth using Arduino functions.
Oh boy, I am sorry about the errors on the part numbers. I have the following Micro's, AT90S2313, AT90S2323, AT90S4414, AT90S8515, and the AT90S8535. They are all old stock and I don't think Atmel even makes them anymore. I bought them a while back, thinking that I would learn to program them and then I had a stroke. It has been three years since and I got the interest back up to see if I could learn to use them. While on the web, I see the Arduino and that really sparked my interest again. I am going to order a Arduino next month when I get some money saved up but in the mean while I was wondering about these Micro's that I have. I don't know whether the Arduino language which is a derivative of C. ( I think), would work with the older chips or not.
What Coding Badly meant was that was incorrect and that a bootloader is not necessary to use the Arduino IDEas the IDE can simply use a programmer that uses ISP instead of a serial bootloader.And by using the ISP with an ISP programmer any work of getting a bootloader to workon the new hardware would be eliminated.Configuring the IDE for new boards or programmers is trivial in comparisonto getting a bootloader up and working.
Keep in mind that if support of AVRs not included with the Arduino distribution is needed,then something has to be done to get the \"unsupported\" boards supported on each new Arduino release.And what is done to make that happen will be the same whether you use a serial bootloader or use ISP to program the AVR.(but that becomes a one time thing if the users sketches/hardware directory is used to add the hardware support)
So if the users sketches/hardware directory is used to add the new hardware supportand it used one of the supported ISP programmers above,adding support for a new AVR without whether using a serial bootloader orISP is a one time thing.
Atmega series Micro controllers have several benefits like its open source, easy to use, available in a large different types, cheap and most important one, it is easy to begin. It have wide variety of boards available called arduino which are easy to start things. Specially if you are programmer and know a little about electrical then it is a blessing for you. Although it can help you to begin but these are not appropriate for Electrical engineers as they have a lot of essential things skipped or being done under the hood. But still it is of great help if you start with Arduino, so I come with a 'cost effective' solution. I find out a way to use Arduino programmer to program Atmega Micro controllers. So start with Arduino and slowly switch down to atmega.
The main issue is that my computer is USB-C, and the programmer we made the first week implements software USB-2.0 rather than hardware. The software implementation does not have very accurate timing, and so
Do not bother with anything BUT in-circuit programming. Unless you are a perfect coder, removing a chip every time you want to program it is a nightmare. I recommend the AVRISPmkII as an entry level programming tool. The disadvantage is there is no hardware debug supported. An alternative is the dragon but I have no experience with that. I can say that the JTAGICEmk3 is a nice capable debug tool.
To start, I kept using an Arduino but converted calls to the Arduino library into register reads and writes, one line at a time, seeing if my programs still worked. This way I got used to using registers and saw that they were not radically discontinuous with the Arduino way of doing things. Arduino functions like digitalWrite() simply manipulate the registers -- you are free to read and write to them directly in your sketches.
My next step was to put an ATTiny 85 on a breadboard and program it with Arduino as ISP ( =1695). If you buy a breadboard power supply and use the ATTiny's internal oscillator, this requires laughably little wiring. I used the Arduino IDE to compile but kept using registers as much as I could.
Then, I installed the free Crosspack command line toolchain and compiled a blinky program. After some more trial and error, I managed to program the ATTiny with avrdude only, staying completely outside the Arudino ecosystem.
The difference between an Arduino and a bare ATmega328 is only two things. The Arduino Bootloader, and the Arduino libraries. You can code an Arduino with bare C or C++ without using any of the libraries. You can also use assembly instead. The bootloader allows you to load new code through serial without going through the (slightly) more complicated in-circuit-serial-programming (basically SPI).
You can use standard programming libraries and avr-gcc with almost any ide. Contrary to what others might say, coding an Arduino is basically like coding a bare microcontroller, with some added conveniences at the expense of some performance.
I buy pre-bootloaded Atmega328P chips and program them in-circuit with an FTDI cable and avrdude, identically to how I'd program the Arduino. I like the Eclipse IDE but you can use any environment you prefer - Atmel Studio, the Arduino IDE, emacs, or barefoot on the command-line.
This board is under construction at the point where it is complete enough to test with a Hello program, using the cable for programming, power, and terminal. It will still need its power supply - LM2936 ultra-low quiescient current voltage regulator and a battery connector, in my case - and whatever other on-board components and off-board connections the project will need:
Since you have an Arduino, you could save a little money and use un-programmed chips, using the Arduino to install the bootloader.The nice blue pin-out labels help keep my goof-rate down!I use a 16MHz crystal but if you can run with the internal oscillator your parts count goes down by 3 (the xtal and 2 capacitors).
This is the approach for slackers who have dipped into a little bit of assembly and \"tapped out\" OR people who want to shift to more software than hardware . I would suggest moving to another hobbyist board like Raspberry Pi or BeagleBoneBlack with ARM processors and start doing projects n their creativity.
You can use the Arduino board, without using the sandbox libraries and environment, you can program everything yourself directly. If you want to use their bootloader via serial/uart to program, that works fine. But most/all the avr parts can also be programmed another way, with the part held in reset which means it is not brickable. it is quite easy to bit bang spi from an arduino or other microcontroller or with an ftdi break out of some flavor. sparkfun has arduino and non-arduino boards (the 32u for example) that the spi header is obvious. and ftdi breakout boards that you can easily bitbang using ftdi's library or the ftdi library that comes with linux.
The documentation for each part shows the booting options and flash programming options. yes it is not difficult to just buy some parts too and make your own breakout board. I wouldnt do that until you have used an existing breakout or simple eval board and then clone that if need be. Ideally start with a part with an internal rc oscillator, basically power, ground, and programming pins...
I just ordered an arduino 2560 please do BASIC for it. I love BASIC back in the DOS days I used to use ASIC to compile DOS programs. It was writen in x86 assembler its still about a quick google search will fine it. As well BASIC you could also call interuptes with it. I wrote a full graphic SVGA paint program that was controled by the mouse. ASIC is shareware and as well as compiler it had its own IDE but i preferd to use MS edit. Please do a BASIC with simerlar syntax or clasic syntax like Atari BASIC ie
Ill say go for the BASIC, if there is someone who cant know where the goto goes thats their problem, time will tell who wins a dificult language like lua, c, arduino sketch or Basic, arduiino is the first eazy plataform for electronics but is tied-up with a C-like programing, now if we change that to an easy one like Basic its going to grow Viral
Now, there are definitely huge differences between a BASIC compiler and a BASIC interpreter and each has its place. With the compiler versions, like with C/C++, larger programs can be written with more global and local variables available, etc.
OK now you have a target board and a programmer next you will use the software you installed in step 2 to talk to the chip. This software is very powerful but its also difficult to use the first time. However, you should persevere and after a few times it will become (easier) to use.
To get a list of parts supported by avrdude, type in avrdude -c avrisp (it doesnt matter if you're not useing an avrisp programmer) without a part number into the command line. Don't memorize this list, just glance over it to get an idea of the chips that are supported.
Check that the chip is powered, plugged into the socket or programmer properly, the programming cables are plugged in correctly, the header is wired correctly, etc. 99% of the time, it is a problem with wiring.
This is an quite old project I made in 1996 but still interesting. It's an simple RDS decoder based on TDA7330B RDS demodulator and AT90S2313 (obsolete part, replace with Atmel ATtiny2313) controller. The RDS data is displayed on an 2 x 16 character LCD. It shows program service name, RDS clock, TA flag status and scrolling 64 characters long radio text. The decoder needs an Stereo multiplex signal as input which is normally found at the input pin of an Stereo decoder IC in many radios.Source code is avail. in assembler, I will make a C version later. Decoding of the RDS data stream is based on Motorola's \"AN460 - RDS decoder using the MC68HC05\", see this document for details. 153554b96e
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