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If the Update button is grayed out, it indicates that the driver for the device is up to date. If you want to manually select a specific driver for your hardware, you can do so by simply clicking the Update button next to that driver's name. Or, you may want to select all of the drivers by clicking the Update All button.
Your computer software is usually able to automatically install or update device drivers. For example, if your digital camera is connected to your computer, Windows will probably be able to install an appropriate driver for it. In this way, your computer, hardware, and software can work together to make your computer run more efficiently.
Occasionally, a device manufacturer will not include the device driver for a new computer software or hardware. In such a case, you will need to install the appropriate driver manually. The following instructions are for Windows 10 devices, but the similar steps should be followed for earlier versions of Windows.
The first task is to find the device driver. Then, for each type of hardware, the driver is located on your system or on the motherboard manufacturer's website. To do this, click the Start button. d2c66b5586