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Please confirm your location Country State Confirm Close$199/yrOne Price - Unlimited PossibilitiesUpgrade to the full Artlist license now and start usinig Artlist music in all of your projects! Get a license to the entire catalog with unlimited downloads for a full year.Artlist license includes:- Use in any project- Unlimited downloads- Use in any project including commercial- Lifetime use for the songs you download- Pre-checked for YouTube monetization- New music every monthTotal price - Only $199 a year
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of 20 Hits, Doctor of Rainbows, The Killers (99 E.P.), 'Live' @BellaMuse Halifax 2003., Love Lives, Stray Lovers, Put the Sun, Bloomfield, and 9 more. , and , . Purchasable with gift card Buy Digital Discography $69.60 CAD or more (60% OFF) Send as Gift about Recorded live @ la Cite Montreal. Quebec by Geoffrey Pye Co-Produced by Hubey Chan.Engineered by Dr. Peno Chumly.Catering by Alfonse DelengoSpiritual Guidance: His honourable holiness Dr. Havarti Loosen. $(\".tralbum-about\").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get(\"tralbum_about\"), \"more\", \"less\"); lyrics \"Tulsa avenue did your Christian come and abandon his shoes for the lightning pond\" $(\".lyricsText\").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get(\"tralbum_long\"), \"more\", \"less\"); credits from Branden Town, released May 12, 2013 Geoffrey Pye: Vocals.Guitars. Tessa Kautzman: Bass, VocalsHubey Chan: Piano, Synth. David Concarn: Trumpet, FlugelhornDino Von Panzer: Sax, Percussion. Lolita Cruz: Drums, Vocals. $(\".tralbum-credits\").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get(\"tralbum_long\"), \"more\", \"less\"); license all rights reserved tags Tags halifax montreal, ca pop electro electronic music experimental electronic geoffrey pye jazz pop pop experimental rock tessa kautzman Montreal Shopping cart total USD Check out about Yellow Jacket Avenger Montreal, Québec 153554b96e