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It is claimed that the first bar of such steel ever made was producedat the White House a few years before this time. In that time, theiron-founder who made it was very active, but was not a very goodworkman. Then one of the President's clerks assisted in the business, andWashington himself kept on hand, and helped to make some, and to findout how it ought to be done. The clipper-headed rivets, which arecommon now, were not then used; instead of them, the bars were fastened witha thread of iron, and waxed, and one bar thus fastened to another made agood flume. A flume of this kind was not a very uncommon thing to seebefore this time.
Then next, we all know, Mr. Washington began to make good his assertionsabout mountains. He is said to have made a flume from the Potomac tothe Eastern Branch at Harper's Ferry, with a fall of twenty-eight feetbetween the two branches. It was a long flume and a difficult one, sothat not only the people of the west, but of the east also, were interestedin the building. The work was well done, and the flume was a great success.It only wanted a little more to make it perfect. He would improve it fora little, when he could get the time. There was no hurry. A flume like thathas not a very good market, and the President, who was the chiefengineer, thought that there would be time enough for it after him.
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