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Progress always comes at a cost. In the case of web browsers, users bear the cost when developers take the rendering of certain authoring tools and browsers (especially Internet Explorer) as gospel. When a new version of that browser comes along and fixes bugs or misinterpretations of the spec (or introduces new ones) or in any way changes behavior, sites break and our clients, bosses, and users get very unhappy.
We could specify the version of the languages we use, such as CSS 2.1 or JavaScript 1.5. Unfortunately, browser vendors often implement only part of a spec and the interpretation of a specification often differs from browser to browser, so any two contemporary browsers may offer completely different renderings of the same CSS or may trigger completely different events from the same form control.
So does version targeting spell the end of progressive enhancement At this point, no. First of all, we will be dealing with legacy/pre-lock browsers for years to come, and progressive enhancement is a proven way to manage the differing levels of CSS and JavaScript support among them. Furthermore, there will still be a place for conditional comments to deliver style and scripting patches to IE browsers though we hope there will be a diminishing need for them over time. Finally, writing JavaScript using progressive enhancement techniques will still greatly cut down on the re-factoring time needed when preparing to launch support for a new browser.
There is a good solution; the browser vendors should implement standards as defined by the W3C. So we all know how a browser will render a site. Maybe not in the most smooth way, but you only have to build your site once.
I think we just have to accept within the web development community that some breakage will occur as the web moves on. The same has happened in the security and other arenas. Otherwise we face the bad old world of browser sniffing, which surely we all tried to move away from years ago
I really hope that other browser vendors do not implement that and that the IE team think very seriously again about the consequences of implementing this. Compatibility is important but we have to accept that some breakage CAN occur as the web is a constantly evolving medium, and that people have to accept that.
Browsers would keep records of when a particular rendering agent was introduced, and render the page according to which engine was used at that date. This method allows all browser developers to support the method and removes any developer specific values.
I am sorry, but this can only be described as _madness_. We are talking about *browser sniffing* and *code forking* here, are we not Although I appreciate the problem of dealing with legacy web documents, any solution that allows browser vendors to drift away from web standards and do their own thing is wrong, wrong, wrong.
On a different angle, I have to also state that in any website, content is king. While I am sure some of us would like our designs to be saved and looked upon by future generations in the same way that we look upon some of the great posters of the 40s and 50s, that is mostly irrelevant as long as users can get to and understand the content. And no matter how much of a disaster any older website comes out in modern browsers, people will figure out a way to get to the content.
You want to make sure everything renders properly on the web Then make sure all browsers render the specs correctly. You then want to make sure developers use those specs have browsers block ALL rendering if the DOCTYPE is missing or invalid.
On the other hand I do agree with others that it most likely is un-doable to ship new browser versions with a couple of legacy versions to support old sites. There are various reasons why this is not easy to do for browser vendors, but I will just highlight the big 2:
File size:Every new browser version will carry at least 2 older versions with it making the distributable much bigger. This will make the threshold for low bandwidth regions like Asia and Afrika to adapt new browsers even higher then it already is (which is the reasons why IE6 is still a very big player worldwide).
Browser start-up time:When each request to a site tells the browser to run in a differnet version it probably will not be uncommon to have the browser spin off multiple processed running an older version of the browser making the rendering time to view a site much higher. Also this will slow down the machine which again is the biggest problem in less evolved IT regions like Asia and Afrika. IE might solve this problem by adding all supported versions to the OS start-up process, making that slower again.
But now a new concept is introduced. When I am done with building the site and it is fully tested. I must mark it with all the compatible browser versions (_what about the combination of browser version and OS_) and I have to do that really careful so as not to miss a browser or version.When a new browser (version) comes along I have to test it to see if does a good backwards compatible test (_does IE 11 renders correctly as IE 10_) and test again to see if IE !! renders correctly as it selfAnd finally I will have to make a change to the META tag.
On the first point, I am not im complete disagreement with you, but would like to bring up the fact that browsers may not implement a new rendering or scripting engine between releases, so IE9 may be the same as IE8, meaning no extra bloat would be added to the application. The same goes for any browser.
So already known is the old . There do exist similar constructs for Script () and style (). All could be expanded by a version info required, added optionally with a separating semicolon, as with the charset in the content-type property. This might be a minimum requirement or an exact requirement, which is up to the browser to decide. This specifies the version of the required _standard_, not the required _browser_, which would be much more useful.
Another issue that I can see emerging if this is put into practice is that business website owners stop updating their site with newer standards. We already have enough trouble convincing them that re-writing a site with accessibility and standards compliance in mind, how will this change when a site currently works in all browsers plus all future ones and therefore costs little to maintain, whereas embracing newer standards would lead to training costs and re-design costs
bq. [B]ut would like to bring up the fact that browsers may not implement a new rendering or scripting engine between releases, so IE9 may be the same as IE8, meaning no extra bloat would be added to the application. The same goes for any browser.
This would advise clients to use the Microsoft interpretation of css as in IE6. Any browser (including IE8) might then use this buggy css interpretation, or try to nevertheless use a standard css version, choke, not use any css or not render the page at all. This way even a FF4 might try to support that broken engine.
bq. If that browser has a single bug that affects a critical part of the application, the team has to scramble to fix the break as soon as they hear about it from a user (or several hundred). With version targeting, the team can test the new browser version internally before updating the meta element (or the HTTP header) to add support for that new browser.
Implementing a new meta directive to select which browser versions that you want your site to work in strikes at the very heart of web standards. How does this in any way, shape manner or form help standardize anything It does not. In fact it is difficult to imagine anyone that values a web industry based on standards and open access even contemplating a scheme like this.
I worry about new set vulnerabilities that could appear with this browser lock idea. Lets look at this with the eyes of a hacker. Using the mixing of browser versions on one page, or browser window, can I use the security vulnerabilities, or standard abilities, from one browser version to take over, hijack, steal, or obfuscate the data in another version.
First: Most of this would already be possible using Conditional Comments. As most of the professional webdevelopers must use them already it should be easy to just skip IE8 in all those extra-shyesheets and give IE8 the version every other browser renders without problems.
Second: The DOCTYPE-Switch actually was the right solution. The problem is not the Switch itself, it is the IE. Not only the developers did not improve the rendering for websites, that webstandards would work correctly, they even implemented a standards mode, that is terrible broken. This could have been fixed with continuous releases of new versions to keep up with other browsers. Again, IE missed this oportunity and has to work around this self-made issue now.
If all the browsers suddenly adhered to open standards (oh, they already do, with one notable exception), do you think anyone anywhere would actually start demanding their bug-dependant site be catered for, and if they did do you think anyone would even waste time listening to them Do you think people would still visit broken bug-dependant websites or use broken web browsers any more
I thought you guys were standards advocates, not Microsoft shrills. Every other browser is able to render pages according to the spec, or close enough. IE requires a special tag to do so. You guys congratulate them. Hah, what a sell out.
* reduce the number of sites that need the hack tag, as I dare say the vast majority will just continue to work* clearly flag bug-dependant websites for all browsers, allowing all browsers to be standards-compliant by default* let the site owner know that they are falling behind the rest of the world, but give them plenty of time to address that issue 153554b96e
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