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In this context, the tools and services offer ways to analyze and improve our work flows and processes. They help us to improve our logistics and processes and to further decrease the work time per order. Among others, they act as productivity enhancers.
The tools and services are from a world of high-tech applications where different disciplines collaborate in a structured virtual workspace and exchange information with each other. They are open source technologies with open and common standards and open methodologies. This means that the technologies and services can be customised according to needs and processes across organizational boundaries.
Our tailoring of open source technologies, and especially their freedom to be used in accordance with user needs, allows the tools and services to reach more users, be modified and extended, and be offering even better solutions to our customers. The tools and services (Esser) are tools for communication, communication technologies.
Consequently, these tools and services are not technologies that are set in stone but are continuously developed, reviewed and modified in a collaborative way. This way of working has been proven very successful. We have collaborated with customers and developers from OpenStreetMap Deltamap Mozilla Mapbox and Malopolska Geoportal ( Glewco ), universities and private companies such as Odzwieck and Koela . d2c66b5586